*Important Note Regarding Estimated Delivery Dates*
Please bear in mind when placing your order that any estimated delivery dates displayed at checkout are likely to be inaccurate. At this time shopify (our website service) does not offer us the ability to add handling times to estimated delivery dates.
All orders will ship within 4 BUSINESS (M-F) days from date of purchase. Add these four days to the estimated delivery date displayed at checkout. Please allow an extra day or so if you are placing a particularly large order.

About Us
Fish Guild Corp is an aquarium products store established in
2020 as 3dAdam on Etsy. It began as an experiment selling 3d printed overflow covers that I had designed to protect my
baby shrimp from getting trapped in the overflow chambers of my Fluval Flex 15. The experiment turned out to be a surprising success, and I slowly began offering more and more of my home designs for sale in the shop.
As my products became popular I began working with customers to create a wide variety of aquarium solutions. What is now known as Fish Guild Corp has grown bigger than I ever could have expected and I revel in the opportunity to make life easier for fish tank owners and the aquarium hobby more joyful for aquarists all over the world.
-Adam G. Sutton

Invertebrate and Fish Keeping…
To us land-walkers there is something mystical about the creatures that live in earth’s bodies of water. We can’t help but to make them a part of our lives and give them a loving home. This store was born out of
a love in particular for dwarf crayfish and shrimp. Not to mention mesmerizing kuhli loaches, angelic bettas and all of our favorite buddies who feel comfortable living in a desktop home.

3D Printing...
You will find that most of the products available in the FGC store are manufactured using 3d printers. 3d printing is an amazing solution to rapidly producing prototypes and parts that solve very specific problems. Such as upgrades to filtration systems for the wide variety of available fish tanks or new aquarium decorations not available elsewhere.
Pulling on a wealth of engineering and 3D design experience FGC can troubleshoot and create solutions for the majority of aquariums in real time. Likewise, we are always revisiting our designs and improving them in every way possible. From an engineering standpoint through manufacturing and aesthetic design, we pride ourselves in constantly tweaking and improving our IP to offer only high value products to our customers.

Rigorous Testing...
All of the products that you see in the FGC shop have gone through dozens of iterations before being offered up for sale. 3d printed items are more vulnerable to breaking than typical injection molded parts. For this reason we go through rigorous testing both in our workshop and in conjunction with experienced and enthusiastic customers.
Our models are tested against many alternative versions to select the best possible design for a desired purpose. Then ruthlessly refined to offer the best possible durability and value possible in a 3d printed product.
FGC maintains an inventory of many of the hobby’s most popular aquarium tanks. This allows us to continually test and update innovations for hobbyists as well as troubleshoot customer concerns.

Quality Control...
At every level of production FGC has quality control measures in place. Each product has a set of post-processing requirements assigned to them to ensure a reliable and excellent product is delivered to your door.
If for any reason you receive a subpar or defective part from FGC please take clear photos and contact us through our messaging service with a description of the issue and photos attached.

A depth of engineering experience and passion for the fish keeping hobby combines to fuel our operation. We operate out of a 97 square foot home workshop in sunny south Florida.

Contact Information...
To get in contact with FishGuildCorp please reach out to us using our contact form. You will receive a reply within 24 hours M-F 9-5(EST)
You can also reach us by e-mail at MakeGuildCorp@Gmail.com
Messages sent through our contact form will take priority.